NANFA-- Personal Intro - Native Newbie

chuckmiro (
Mon, 6 Nov 2000 13:48:19 -0500

I live in Northern Virginia, work in Washington, D.C., and have lived in
Maryland (until recently) for almost 25 years. Though new to the concept of
learning about and keeping native fish, I'm not new to the concept of local
environmental topics. With kids, job and stuff, though, I haven't been doing
anything for several years. My growing interest in native fish, though,
merges nicely with my long-dormant environmental interests.

Are there are any other folks in the Washington, D.C./Potomac Basin area on
this list? If so, I'd like to connect with you (electronically if not in
real life) so I can learn more about the fish and plants native to our
region. Also, I'm interested in going on a collecting trip sometime (I guess
now I'd have to wait until the weather warms up some).

Thanks! :)


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