Re: NANFA-- Re: Tank Raised Vs. Wild
Tue, 14 Nov 2000 08:34:44 EST

In Aquarium club BAP programs you must bring fish in to get your points
toward awards or recognition. In NANFA this would be impossible. Instead a
paragraph or two like I posted on the Rosyface shiners would be a good
substitution if a commonly bred sp. A longer article for more diff. to breed
sp. These would not necessarily be published in AC but could be available to
others for their information. Different categories for diff. points such as,
caught from the wild and spawned aright now, Kept in captivity wintered and
spawned, spawning multiple generations in captivity. Points for new
information such as, adhesive or non-adhesive eggs, number of days to hatch
at what temp. (this would mean you must gather eggs), etc. Aquarium clubs
have different points for classes of difficulty in spawning.

If anyone is interested I be willing to work on a committee to come up with a

Bob Muller

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