NANFA-- mean mouth bass sighting.
R. W. Wolff (
Sun, 4 Nov 2001 11:14:32 -0600
I stopped by Moccasin Creek yesterday while going to the lumber yard. I
was dipping around and noticed a ten inch bass that looked like it had a
mouse stuck in its mouth. Turns out its face was covered with fungus. I
was watching closely come near and swim along shore. This is great since
this is the first time ever that the mouth of Moccasin was clear, infact it
was crystal clear. The bass then turned sideways and I noticed it was
strange looking. Being this is smallmouth water in this area, I noticed
right away that the fish had many largemouth characteristics. The spiny
part of the dorsal fin was long like a smallmouth, but it rose up to a peak
and down to a notch like a largemouth. The face looked mostly like a
smallmouth, but the color pattern on the side was a lot of dark blotches.
I almost caught the fish in my dip net so I could get a closer look, but the
handle got caught in some green brier plant ( I finally IDed this plant last
night after seeing it all the time and not knowing what it was). I hope to
be able to get there today or tomorrow and cast and maybe catch another one
that is healthy to look at, since they are very aggressive and bite like its
the middle of summer until the coldest part of winter. Atleast they did the
last time I ran into them in a gravel pit that had some .
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