Re: NANFA-- Fish Folklore

D. Martin Moore (
Tue, 6 Nov 2001 19:03:38 -0600

On 6 Nov 2001, at 15:41, Denkhaus, Robert wrote:

> If I get enough, it might make an interesting AC article
> even. Okay folks, it's time to tell your fish (and other favorite) tales.
> Thanks for the help.

Off the bat I can't think of any fish tales, but there are some
hilarious snake legends, which I have found that some older people
still believe. My grandmother got very offended when I laughed out
loud at her for telling about a snake that had "poison in its tail".
Examples (familiar to herp folks, but some might not have heard of

The "hoop" snake can grab its tail in its mouth to form a round
hoop, and it can chase you by rolling downhill.

The coachwhip snake will flog your livestock until they run
themselves to death. Also rumored to have a poisonous stinger on
the end of the tail.

The milk snake will sneak into the barn and suck milk from dairy

Fish myths? How about "widespread, wholesale collecting of
corals and reef fishes is a great idea and does no damage." Sorry,
just had to get my little dig in.

I wish I could think of some good fish myths. I'm sure Jan has a
few. Most would be related to gamefish, I should think...


Jackson, MS
When I found the skull in the woods, the first thing I did
was call the police. But then I got curious about it. I
picked it up, and started wondering who this person was,
and why he had deer horns.

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