RE: NANFA-- Fish Folklore

Denkhaus, Robert (DenkhaR_at_Ci.Fort-Worth.TX.US)
Wed, 7 Nov 2001 09:27:27 -0600

> Here are some I heard about bowfin. " They have green blood, its
> concentrated in a big vein in the fillet. Only Indians can
> eat this" ( I was
> actually told this, so please don't get on my case about
> being insensitive).
> " When they bite you, they inject poison that may lead to the need of
> amputation, or death". " They only eat bass".

This is good stuff and it's not surprising that the bowfin would generate
some good lore. Usually there is a grain of truth somewhere in the story
though so do bowfin have a large vein in the fillet?

I would think that other common yet unusual looking fish would also have
some good stories especially fish like the gars and catfish. Of course
there is also the modern myth of the mosquitofish as a cure for all mosquito

Rob Denkhaus
Fort Worth Nature Center & Refuge

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