NANFA-- bowfin names

Christopher Scharpf (
Thu, 08 Nov 2001 12:34:13 -0400

>> dogfish -- inspired by the bowfin's large canine teeth.
> They are called that here because they bark, actually let air out of their
> lung when caught. I have this one video happening.

Ray, I didn't know that. Thanks!

>> cotton fish-- derives from the opinion that eating cold or improperly
>> cooked bowfin is like having a ball of cotton in one's mouth.
> I read that this was from the inside of the mouth being white, so when one
> is realing in this fish they see what looks like cotton glob on the end of
> the line, actually the maw of a bowfin.

Oohh, another good explanation.

>> beaverfish -- seen from above in turbid waters, a swimming adult bowfin
>> resemble a swimming beaver
> I also read this is from the round tail, like a round beaver tail. It did
> not say if it was when it was in the water, or when it was brought out and
> lying on shore.

Come to think, I've read this too. But I have a hard time seeing any
resemblance between the 2 tails.

> I remember a variation of Poisson - castor, and was marsh fish. Poisson
> mariah or something like that.

Forgot to mention that one. Poisson de marais.

> "grinners

Good one, Russ!

This is good stuff. Thanks.

It's interesting to note how some names have more than one explanation.
Perhaps a criterion for a name catching on is that it has several layers


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