RE: NANFA-- snails in darter tank

Jay DeLong (
Fri, 9 Nov 2001 10:13:17 -0800

> Natives that usually do a good job at algae-eating are the various
> stonerollers in the genus Campostoma. In my experience they never bother
> darters or anyone else; their mouths are all wrong for piscivory.

Yes, but we're not all so fortunate to take a dipnet into our backyard and
dip up a few algae-eaters :-) There are berbivorous fish species in my part
of the country-- chiselmouth and mountain sucker come to mind-- but they're
illegal (and difficult) to catch.

Besides, would Campostoma graze the glass sides, or just shuffle along the
bottom gravel and over structure items like logs.

Jay DeLong
Olympia, WA

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