Re: NANFA-- The Compleat A/C on CD

Bruce Stallsmith (
Sat, 17 Nov 2001 12:43:38 -0500

Sounds good to me, Martin. I'm glad Tom is up and ready for this project,
which will inevitably take a while to fruition. And I hope to be able to do
some scanning as my contribution...

--Bruce Stallsmith
Huntsville, AL, US of A

>As many of you know, I instigated some talk a while back about
>scanning all the past issues of Lateral Line, American Currents,
>etc., and producing a CD which could be sold for a reasonable
>price. After a few false starts and careful thought about the time
>and dedication that this project requires, I have decided to abdicate
>from the self-appointed post of A/C CD project manager in favor of
>someone with sufficient enthusiasm and energy to see the task
>through to its completion.
>I have had some correspondence with Tom Watson, who was one
>of the most enthusiastic proponents early on. He has expressed
>an interest in accepting the baton, which I gratefully pass to him.
>However, this does not mean I have abandoned the project. I will
>be helping Tom by scanning stuff under his direction, or whatever
>else he needs. Now, hear my plea: THERE IS A LOT OF STUFF
>TO SCAN AND HELP IS NEEDED! Please contact either me or
>Tom if you are willing to help, and can COMMIT to working on it.
>The fact that I have taken a smaller role does not reflect on how
>important I consider this task to be. To the contrary - it is so
>important that it needs to be delegated to somebody who has the
>resources to see it through. The A/C compendium is one of the
>best things we can do for ourselves right now with minimum capital
>expenditure, and it will be a revenue generator for NANFA.
>Thank you all,
>Martin Moore
>NANFA Secretary and Regional Representative Plenipotentiary

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