Re: NANFA-- One reason I get excited about native fishes...
Tue, 27 Nov 2001 13:19:34 -0500
There are some impressive numbers of shad (hickory?) running up the
Chattahoochee in Georgia during spring (or at least there used to be).
I can remember the water absolutely teeming with them right below the first
dam (the Eagle-Phenix dam for those of you familiar with the fall line
We used to catch and release zillions of them (casting a line with several
1/64 ounce feather jigs tied on with ultra light spinning equipment). The
shad were like little tarpon, spending more time out of the water than in.
Every once in a while, you'd end up hooking something much larger and
losing all your jigs - probably a striper or a "grinner".
I hadn't thought about that in years.....
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