Sorry, Jay, and other Faithful Readers. The Fall AC has yet to hit the mail.
It's been printed, though, and is en route from the printer in Minnesota to
the mailing house here in Baltimore. Yes, that adds extra time to the
production, but we save so much money with the printer in Minnesota that the
delay is worth it! And the mailing house here in Baltimore is a lot cheaper
than the one in Minnesota. Go figure! It should mail next week. Sorry for
the delay, but I lost a couple of weeks doing that wedding/honeymoon thing.
You may be happy to know that 10 pages of the Winter 2002 are already done!
(Just 30 more pages to go.) That issue contains the eagerly awaited print
version of Ken McKeighen's 2000 convention talk on building and breeding
killies in outdoor pools.
Yr obt ed,
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