> nanfa Wednesday, November 13 2002 Volume 01 : Number
> Date: Tue, 12 Nov 2002 15:40:44 -0600
> From: "Irate Mormon" <archimed_at_netdoor.com>
> Subject: RE: NANFA-- Antibiotics
I'll stick with my antibiotics. While it is not widely harped upon these
days, I'll repeat my claim that bacteria can
> develop a tolerance for "alternative" medicines as well as modern ones.
It just stands to reason.
I'm not sure what "It just stands to reason," means with regard to
something like this. Whether or not a reaction of this nature exists is
determined by scientific experiments. Quite often, things that "just stand
to reason," simply don't exist. Some examples from history include that the
earth is flat, that neural tissue cannot regenerate, and that dilution is an
adequate solution to pollution. Whether or not bacteria develop resistance
to a particular treatment can be determined by appropriately designed
experiments. But getting such experiments funded would likely require
objective evidence that resistance exists.
> I am also wondering about the origin of this "resistant strain" of fish TB
whereof Mr. Huntley spoke. I know a lot of stuff has been
> circulated on the net about it, but really, is there any documented
factual basis for claims that this is a result of aquarium use of
> antibiotics? Other than a bunch of folks talking, I mean.
If there is an antibiotic resistant strain of bacterium that causes "fish
TB," it has very likely been documented in the peer reviewed scientific
literature. So anyone who is interested could do a search in BIOSIS or
MEDLINE and find out. If you don't have access to these databases (they are
usually available only through academic libraries to the students, staff,
and faculty, or at large public libraries for a fee) and you are interested,
you might check with a student or employee of an academic institution who
might be able to do the search for you. A search with Yahoo or Google
would likely just turn up an endless set of web pages with little or no data
on the subject but lots of talk.
Dve McNeely
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