Re: NANFA-- Fwd: Environment down the tubes
Mon, 18 Nov 2002 15:40:17 -0500

In a message dated 11/18/2002 2:57:51 PM Eastern Standard Time, writes:

> I want to apolgize to the list, since I did jump off the boat last night. I
> over reacted to Martin's post but it was not what he said in particular, but
> a culmination of things over the past couple years. I should have kept my
> skin thicker but I guess there was chink in my armour. I will try to be
> more adult about what I say when I get upset.
> Ray

I don't think anyone who's familiar with you doubt your sincerity or integrity; when you're not face to face with someone who's communicating with you it's hard to tell whether they're joking or not. I was surprised Martin didn't repost immediately after your response to his one-liner to indicate it was in jest, but he was probably busy or no longer online. I didn't read most of the responses about the "environment down the tubes", but would say most comments are going to be from people who have little to no idea what the oil exploration & extraction in ANWR entails. That would include me, although I've been in the "oil patch" in northern BC, Canada & at least have a rudimentary idea of what's going to happen.

Bruce Scott
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