Re: NANFA-- air pumps and a dorm fridge- pond green houses

B.G. Granier (
Tue, 19 Nov 2002 13:18:13 -0600

Dang! All I gotta do is keep the damn West Nile mosquitos eaten

I'm so lucky!

I suggest that everyone gets some sticklebacks for cold weather
purposes..........I've personally observed them under the ice in

----- Original Message -----
From: "R. W. Wolff" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, November 19, 2002 12:34 PM
Subject: Re: NANFA-- air pumps and a dorm fridge- pond green houses

> > "I hope I'm the only person who would do crazy stuff like this." -
> >
> > Two 1" holes in the house foundation drilled last night, adding the 3/4"
> > lines later
> Nope, you're not alone. I have one one-inch hole in my foundation to run
> exess air from my blower out to the pond outside. I had grand plans that
> the warm air from in the house bubbling in the pond would help warm it up
> bit. If it does, I cannot tell with the thermometers I use. Then , when it
> gets really cold the inside of the line frosts up. 78 degree air at 50 %
> humidity ( on average) suddenly dropping in temp raises the dew point and
> causes water to form and freeze fast. This plugs up the line then.
> What works really nice so far is a mini green house. Building a frame out
> of something simple to take a part come spring, like pvc. Pounds some
> stakes in the ground. connect the pvc with Ts and X's to make a frame
> Then pull some 4 mil clear plastic over the frame and tack it ot the
> with the tacks that they sell to use with bird netting. Heavy rocks and
> bricks could work too.
> I got the Idea from a friend in a local fish club. His a bit better. He
> two four by fours with bases and a notch in top. Puts a iron pipe between
> them. Then crosses over that with sprinkler line to form arches. Then puts
> the plastic over. He keeps his koi in this pond through winter with no
> problems. Its an above ground pond about knee deep with cinder block walls
> and the worst ice he has is a small piece the size of a five gallon pail
> lid. Considering ice on local lakes gets to nearly a foot thick on
> this is pretty good. This is cheaper to run than any heater, and does a
> whole lot better job. The only thing that works better costs more, and
> causes too much evaporation. This would be those big gas fired heaters
> can keep a koi pond in the upper seventies. I seen these in action on web
> sites. I don't want to see there gas bill however.
> Ray

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