Re: NANFA-- k-12 programs?

Sajjad Lateef (
Thu, 21 Nov 2002 07:07:31 -0800 (PST)

--- Jeremy Tiemann <> wrote:
> Also, kids are always amazed at how
> much life lives in one jar of pond water.

Speaking of little critters ...

I was helping vaccum out my friend's Mom's 125 gallon.
Her two large iridescent sharks had fungused blisters on
their noses/snouts/rostrums.

Anyway, I vaccumed the gravel well and in the dirty water
I found several little "critters" swimming around quite
rapidly. At first, it just looked like it was dirt, then I
noticed that they were swimming against the current.

These were the size of a parenthesis ")" with legs/cilia
on one side. They sort-of looked like brine shrimp except
that they were in fresh-water and living in the gravel of
the tank. (She doesn't feed live brine shrimp)

I figured they were gammarus or other inverts. But, they
did not have the hard carapace/shell.



Sajjad Lateef
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