It seems he needs help fast. If you have any advice for him can you please
also share it with the list. Thanks!
>From: "Don Walton" <>
>Subject: catfish
>Date: Tue, 4 Nov 2003 15:48:48 -0800
>Hi, I have kind of a weird question for you and was hoping you could be of
>some help. I have a bullhead catfish that has come down with something
>really weird. I have had him for about 2 years and about a week ago he
>stopped eating. Today I saw he was getting really skinny and swimming
>around with his mouth open, it looked like he was choking on
>somethning. It turns out it was his tounge, it is about the size of a
>golf ball and taking up his whole mouth, he cant eat and seems to be
>having trouble getting water threw his gills. Have u ever heard of this
>is ther anything I can do? Thanks for the help.
>Concerned catfish lover,
> Donnie
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