Re: NANFA-- Old Book

Mysteryman (
Tue, 11 Nov 2003 18:12:47 -0800

> > A couple months ago my mom dragged me antique shopping with her and I
> > ran across this old book. I think the publish date was 1926, or 36, I
> > can't remember but it was Fishes of the Midwest. it had all these funny
> > names, "Grass Pickeral Pike", "Yellow Perch Pike", "Large-mouthed Black
> > Bass" and so on. It refrenced the Blue Walleye or "Blue Perch Pike" as
> > it said. But what I thought was interesting was that it had almost all
> > of the current sunfish we have now but there was these two called
> > "Scarlet Sunfish" and "McKay's Sunfish". Are these real sunfish that are
> > extinct now or are they missidentified ones?

I don't know the answer your question, but I am interested in the book
itself. How big a book was it? What shape was it in? How much did they
want for it?
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