I just sent the Fall 2003 issue of American Currents to the printer today. It's a bit late (again), which I blame on my increasing work schedule and being the father of a demanding but entertaining 6-month old. But I hope the quality of the issue more than makes up for its tardiness. It's another fish-packed 40-page issue, this time featuring the following:
* Bob Muller on spawning the swamp darter (funny, I almost typed swamping the spawn darter!)
* a newly revised and illustrated version of Casper Cox's snorkeling epic, now titled "Have Snorkel, Will Travel"
* biogeography and conservation status of the Pennsylvania population of longnose sucker
* a fascinating and very important article on "Cryptic Biodiversity," which is about unknown fish species diversity in the American Southeast
* notices, including photos and illustrations, of three new species of darters
* collecting in Okefenokee
* aquarium care of golden shiner
* an article on downstream seining and other seining tips
* Martin Moore on SOPE (Sudden Onset Piscine Expiration)
* an analysis of the federal endangered species status of the Sacramento splittail
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Honestly, if you're sufficiently interested in North American fishes to be on this list, then you should be receiving the only magazine exclusively devoted to them.
Thanks for reading all the way to here. :-)
Chris Scharpf
editor, American Currents
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