Re: NANFA-- lighting

Sajjad Lateef (
Mon, 17 Nov 2003 20:33:55 -0800 (PST)

There are different fluorscent bulbs out there for home
use - Cool Daylight (most common and cheapest, gives harsh
white light), Warm Daylight (gives "warm" yellow light) ,
Full Spectrum (white) and Plant&Aquarium (reddish white).
All manufacturers make these types of bulbs.

I usually mix a Plant&Aquarium bulb with a Full Spectrum
bulb in a two-bulb light fixture. In my main planted tank,
I have two warm-daylight bulbs, one plant&aquarium and
one full-spectrum. On the small 10G planted, I get better
results with a plant&aquarium bulb. I don't get good
plant growth with a warm-daylight bulb only.


--- David Smith <> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I installed a four foot flourescent fixture above my aquarium and
> need
> advice about tubes. I want to take photos and I also want to grow
> plants
> (photos are most important but would like both). I know that the
> closer I
> get to 5500 Kelvin the more like daylight the light is but will a
> flourescent at 5500 Kelvin also grow plants well. Is there some other
> tube
> or combinations that I should use for this? Thanks for any help.


Sajjad Lateef   e-mail: 
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