Re: NANFA-- FW: Question about breeding shiners

Klaus Schoening (
Tue, 02 Nov 1999 21:13:41 -0800

I have rainbow shiners in the basement now some of which are F1s, they are
beautiful... Even not in spawning color they are beautiful. My adults are in
prespawning color and activity now. The males are driving the females and the
powder blue is becoming very evident as well as an increase in red intensity. I
dont know why this fish isnt in the pet shops. I haven't spawned them but they
are associate darters, if you look at articles on the nanfa site for riffle tanks
you will see a great article on how to set up a spawning tank for associate


Jay DeLong wrote:

> This question is from the NANFA web page. Please include Tony at
> in your response. Thanks.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: tony
> Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 1999 11:15 AM
> Subject: Question about breeding shiners
> Have shiners of the genus Luxilus [eg. bleeding & crescent shiners] ,
> Lythrurus [eg. rosefin shiner], and Notropis of the subgenus Hydrophlox
> [eg. rainbow shiner] been bred in captivity? Do they [and Phoxinus]
> regain good coloration/breeding coloration after acclimated and keep it
> for extended periods in spring and summer?
> Tony
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