> You mean return captive propagated species to the wild?
> Like in artifical selection, y'know, the opposite of
> *natural* selection?
Like, y'know, human beings are just another animal to scientific thinking,
why is this selection artificial? If science is to argue it's point
fully, then ANY impact we put on the environment is just as natural as the
next factor. Maybe 'nature' made a mistake by giving humanity that
capacity, but it's still naturally achieved. We aren't the only animal to
alter our environment. Lions hunt and kill Hiena and Cheetah, ants
propagate certain plant and animal species to the detriment of others and
beavrs damn up rivers resulting in both good and bad consequences. But
perhaps 'nature' wasn't so dumb in that we can see and learn from the
consequences of our actions and change them. C'mon folks, if it's all
just a 'natural world' then to dismiss the human equation as 'artificial'
is on egreat big farse and destroys all your pet theories on how things
should be done.
> These fish are the product of millions of years of evolution
> through natural selection. Why mess with that? After all, who
> are we to play "God?"
Who's messing with it? I want to do what I can to insure they are here
another million years. I also want to help clean up past mistakes and if
captive propagation can do it...I'm on board.
> Too late. They'll be joining the Eskimo Curlew and Passenger
> Pigeon in a dusty Smithsonian display case--it's just a matter
> of time. Humans have undone in a few decades what nature took
> millions of years to nuture. I guess running to the rescue of
> the C. Condor gives people a warm fuzzy feeling. I can't think
> of any other reason why this species is being saved.
Eventually yes...since all species go extinct at some point. But as I
said, that was an extreme case. I think other species such as the
American Bison, Alligator and Bald Eagle would be better examples. In
each case, captive specimens provided invaluable knowledge to the
salvation of the species...and a lot of amatuers helped collect that info.
> Gotta go. I feel the urge to swing from a tree ...
Sorry, can't allow you to do that. Since it was a conscious decision to do
so, it is therefore 'artificial' and hereby restricted only to 'natural'
monkeys or those properly educated in tree biology and swing physics.
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