NANFA-- apology/results of killifish show

R.W.Wolff (
Mon, 8 Nov 1999 14:02:44 -0600

I would like to apoalgize to everyone on my last post. I was in a bad mood
last night, over tired etc. I tried to delete the message before it went
out, after I had cooled down, but to no avail. I also want to apolgize to
the guy ( and anyone else with similar feelings) who was turned off by this

On the flip side I was at our annual killifish show and auction all weekend
in Milwaukee. I placed first in all other new world killis ( excludes
rivulus and soil spawners of south america) with a strain of chrysotus from
Louisiana. Second was taken by a pair of adina xenica from port la forshe
Louisiana, and third was the famous jordanella flordiae. natives have a
way to go, as we placed in the top 70 percentile, while nothos ( afircan
soil spawners, also best of show) were in the top 90 percentile. funuduls
do not show well.

Several pair of extinct in the wild pup fish were available. when they
came up for auction, it was stressed how important it was to maintain
these. Only serious breeders bid on these fish. Self restraint and good
ethics were folowed by all the people from all walks of life . it does
happen. I wish I had written down the name, for some input on this species
i was not famiiar with. it was not genus cyprinodon ( although it may have
been). All I remember was the genus started with an M.


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