Re: NANFA-- Odd breeding colors on a rainbow darter
Thu, 12 Oct 2000 17:33:07 -0500

<?color><?param 0100,0100,0100>On 12 Oct 2000, at 18:12, Bruce Stallsmith wrote:<br><br><?color><?param 7F00,0000,0000>&gt; Strangely enough, pink (at least light pink) would be a good choice for a <br>&gt; net color. Reds in general are not too visible underwater. An optical <br>&gt; property of water is to absorb light in the red end of the visible light <br>&gt; spectrum. That's why some monofilament for fishing is a light pink color. <br><br><?/color>Depends on how deep you are, <i>nicht war</i>? I am thinking of dying my seine brown, except for maybe a one-foot section adjacent to each brail. That way the fishes would be herded into the less visible center of the seine. .<br><br><br><pre>

It makes me mad when I go to all the trouble of having Marta cook up about
a hundred drumsticks, and the guy at the Marineland says, "You can't throw
chicken to the dolphins. They eat fish." Sure they eat fish, if that's all
you give them. Man, wise up.

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