Re: NANFA-- TDS and Conductivity

Bruce Stallsmith (
Thu, 19 Oct 2000 10:58:01 EDT

TDS meters basically work by measuring conductivity, and in the case of the
Hanna meter directly converts it into ppm of dissolved solids. Conductivity
is measured as micro-siemens. Depending who you ask under what
circumstances, ppm is equal to about 50-60% of microsiemens; i.e., a meter
reading 100 microsiemens could be interpreted as reading 60 ppm. I'm
honestly not sure exactly what calculation the Hanna meter makes.

--Bruce Stallsmith
Huntsville, AL

>Subject: NANFA-- TDS and Conductivity
>Date: Thu, 19 Oct 2000 09:31:39 -0500
>Wel, I got my new TDS meter today and as I was playing around
>with it I got to wondering exactly what is being measured. Is there
>an exact correspondence between TDS and conductivity? If not,
>why do some people feel the latter is important?

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