I found this info at Aquarium Pharmaceuticals site:
TRIPLE SULFA with Neomycin For Fresh or Saltwater
A special formulation of sulfamethazine,
sulfacematide, and sulfathiazole plus the antibiotic
neomycin. It inhibits the spread of
sulfonamide-susceptible bacteria disease and helps
prevent infection of raw tissue from injuries received
during shipment. Can be used with any fungus, ich, or
parasite remedy to prevent secondary infection. The
bacteriostatic action inhibits bacterial growth.
Available in blister cards of 8 tablets, bottles of
100, and bottles of 1,000.
I buy the 100 capsules for about $30...its much
cheaper to buy it in that quantity. One can also buy
a blister card of eight capsules. The dosage is one
capsule per five gallons of water. It has been 100%
effective in preventing handling damage and bacterial
infections in my newly caught fish.
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