Re: NANFA-- Releasing fish?
Sun, 29 Oct 2000 19:39:44 EST

i think of it like small pox and indian blankets.
suppose you keep a tankful of fish you have caught from a variety of sites.
and perhaps even add some tropical from a pet store. snails, substrates,
plants, crayfish, etc. all this is mixed up. you tire of a certain fish(es)
and dont want to kill it(them). so you drop it in the nearest water body...
worse a stream or river. tho it is not dead it could carry a new disease to
fishes that have never experienced it.

the playing god is also dangerous. introducing new species to areas that they
have never been. the exception, and under scientific guidance such as jr
shutes cfi, is reintroducing native species to habitats that had been
destryed by mans activites, poisonings, pollution, dams, droughts.

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