Re: NANFA-- Net Colors

R. W. Wolff (
Fri, 13 Oct 2000 12:59:37 -0500

I have proven to myself without a shadow of a doubt that certain colors out
perform others, take the spoon example. Here on the marsh the water is
usually a dark tea colored, or even milking orange or brown depending on
conditions of weather. The main things that determined which colors work
best, were time of the year, time of day, temperature, and water color/
clarity. Red and white, and green with yellow spots most likely appear to
northern pike as the attractive color of bait fish they are feeding on most
of the time here. Obviously there are not red and white/ silver or green
with yellow spotted / silver prey fish, but that is for the fish to
determine. They preceive the colore differenetly than we do, depending on
the species and the water color / clarity. This is different when you fish
for these fish in other types of water.
> the other hand, as many authors have noted, the appearance and color of
> fishing lures is designed to catch the fisherman who then has confidence
> the lure and that is why it works.
> Lee Harper
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