The sharks went from 3,4" to 10,12" in about two years. The tank
is about four feet long. When scared, they'll practically jump out of the
tank. When surprised, they rush around like mad. Very active fish.
On Wed, 11 Oct 2000 wrote:
> In a message dated 10/11/00 2:51:53 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> writes:
> << If it is Pangasius hypothalmus [the irredescent shark that is mistakenly
> called P.
> sutchi and the only one that is commercially artificially bred for
> aquaculture/pet
> business] then it will eat a lot of pellet food, shrimp, artemia, any meaty
> stuff
> t >>
> I looked it up on the web and they say the iridescent shark is a vegetarian
> and the bigger it gets the more plant food it eats. The mouth is to small to
> eat any thing other than very small fish which it will eat if them can catch
> them but it mostly eats plants. The one I have has a very small mouth and
> ignores small gambusia in it's tank as well as pellets of all types. i am
> going to try some duckweed and se if it likes it any better,
> Moon
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