Re: NANFA-- large fish

Tony (
Thu, 12 Oct 2000 02:48:53 +0700

The main problem here is that out of hundreds of thousands of baby irredescent
sharks exported to around the world they are mostly sold as small fish for
community tanks. Many incorrect info around told the hobbyists that these fishes
won't grow big, they will not outgrow their tank, and they are smaller than a foot
long. Misinformed hobbyist buy one home and watch it outgrows their tank, and
either try to give it to someone else who refuse it or do nothing about it to it's
demise. I totally agree that with more correct informations around the fishes do
not have to be banned, but a lot of people just buy it and worry later, and just
shruck their shoulders after all the deeds are done and buy more. After all the
shark are cheap to replace...:-( I hope more people around are like you that
love the animal and give them the best care.


p.s. I know quite a few rich guys around that consider buying horses thinking just
hire someone to take care of them [mainly feed] are enough...:-(

"R. W. Wolff" wrote:

> > This is the fish that should be banned from
> > the pet trade since not many people will give them the necessary space
> I do not believe that fish should be banned for this reason, rather the
> careless practice of selling fish without proper care instructions. I also
> keep a monitor lizard, its adult size is about 4 foot in length. It is very
> tame and friendly do to proper attention and space requirments. In the
> reptile trade there is plenty of information, and you almost always know
> when you are getting an animal- where it comes from, what it eats, what its
> habitat requirments are and... How large it gets. Fish on the other hand do
> not. To find out this information you generally have to hunt for books that
> may have a small section on them, then it may be misinformation. Another
> good reason to join clubs that have people with the knowledge of the fish
> you are interested in so you can learn more about them. We don't ban horses
> because most people live in apartments or have houses with small yards...
> Ray
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