-----Original Message-----
From: Sajjad Lateef
Sent: Tuesday, October 16, 2001 3:08 PM
To: 'nanfa_at_aquaria.net'
Subject: RE: NANFA-- Current Literature and a question
On Tue, 16 Oct 2001, Hoover, Jan J ERDC-EL-MS wrote:
> "Now for the question...
> "hyporheic habitat". I am not familiar with the terminology. Can
> someone please clarify?"
> Hyporheic refers to wetted area beneath the surface of the bottom
> (substrate) of the stream (which I know sounds oxymoronic). Its the tiny
> interstitial spaces of the sand and gravel inhabited by rotifers,
> gastrotrichs, and water mites. Benthic biologists collectively refer to
> these really microscopic organisms as "meiofauna" and can sample them in
> some habitats with soda straws.
Are these the critters that "sand-suckers" (like Lake Chubsuckers) feed
on when they are picking up sand/fine-gravel in their mouths?
> The language of "bottom-pickers" is esoteric and it changes over time.
> too many years ago, the plant-and-animal felt that covered submersed solid
> objects was called "aufwuchs." Now the terms periphyton and epifauna (and
> specific variants) are more popular.
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