Re: NANFA-- extinctions

R. W. Wolff (
Tue, 16 Oct 2001 22:53:06 -0500

> Where is it written than a species' evolutionary objective is to be

I meant in realtive terms. There needs to be a substantial base population
to keep a population healthy. I guess there is some number the ESA people
use to dertermine population density in areas or some other formula along
that lines. In other words, I do not mean that topeka shiners are trying to
become common as golden shiners are, but that they would like to fill their
areas with as many of themselves as the location can hold, and possibly
spread to other locations suited to there survival. I probably should not
use that fish since I don't know alot about it, so its mainly for explaining
what I meant. Species need to reproduce enough of themselves so that when
all the predators and such are done with them, there are enough of them to
keep the bloodline going, and hopefully to "conquer" new territory. As in "
Survival of the Fittest". Probably putting this in too much of human terms,
but it makes it easier to understand I guess. Its not like these fish
really know that they did a good job reproducing and will be around next
year, but insticnt dictates they should. Seems to me anyways that is what
all the adaptations of different species boil down too. Avoiding being
killed, and getting more food, and making more of themselves.


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