NANFA-- natives take best of show once again.

R. W. Wolff (
Sat, 20 Oct 2001 23:50:52 -0500

The Central Wisconsin Aquarium Society had its show today, and tomorrow is
its auction. The best of show fish was a brook stickleback, scoring 89
points. This is pretty good considering it was up against some nice discus,
groupers, lionfish, killis, and many others too numerous to mention. Since
I did not enter any fish, I was asked to judge. This had no bearing I can
assure you on the stickleback winning. The other judge was in total
agreement , since at first it was a three way tie between the stickleback, a
guiana cory cat, and a farwella catfish ( excuse the names if I have them
wrong). The stickles strongest asset was how nicley it prestented itself,
it really helped in the tie breaker.


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