Re: NANFA-- KY collecting notatus and olivaceus

Bruce Stallsmith (
Thu, 25 Oct 2001 11:57:31 -0400

>Yeah, the reason I ask is that the stripe on males is typically wider
>and/or toothed, while that on females is typically narrow and
>straight-edged. The notatus in central Ohio develop a very marked
>dimorphism with the stripe. When in nuptial color, the stripe on the male
>may appear as closely placed, short, vertical bars. That on females is a
>clean-edged, straight band. Is that what you see on your Big Darby fishes,
>Columbus Ohio USA <))><
I've got 6 of the Big Darby notatus left alive and doing well. They have
distinctly different line patterns as you describe, either very smooth (2 of
them, female) or distinctly sawtoothed (4 of them, male). I've seen the same
differentiation very clearly in Fundulus euryzonus, which have even wide
lines in both sexes and little hint of black spotting. I also see the same
general pattern in olivaceus, although in my experience it's more muted than
with the other two species in this complex.

--Bruce Stallsmith
Huntsville, AL, US of A

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