Re: NANFA-- Old but informative Fundulus papers

Al G Eaton (
Thu, 25 Oct 2001 14:40:52 -0700 (PDT)

I hope Dr. Thomerson doesn't hear you called him
old!!! He's bigger than you are and will kick your If you ever get the chance to collect with
Dr. Thomerson, by all means do so... he's a lot of fun
to collect with.


--- Bruce Stallsmith <> wrote:
> Today's talk about olivaceus vs. notatus, etc., made
> me go back and look for
> important source information on this and related
> topics. Various of the
> Fundulus species are to our eye very similar at
> first glance, and it takes a
> closer look to realize that very real species exist
> in nature separated by
> various mechanisms. Jamie Thomerson did much of the
> early work with various
> Fundulus species both to describe them physically,
> and to try and explain
> their differences. The following two references are
> good examples of such
> work. The second one should be in most decent
> university libraries, while
> the Tulane Studies paper is harder to find:
> Thomerson, J.E. 1969. Variation and relationships of
> the studfishes,
> Fundulus catenatus and Fundulus stellifer
> (Cyprinodontidae, Pisces). Tulane
> Studies in Zoology and Botany 16:1-21.
> Thomerson, J.E.; Wooldridge, D.P. 1970. Food habits
> of allotropic and
> syntopic populations of the topminnows Fundulus
> olivaceus and Fundulus
> notatus. American Midland Naturalist 84:573-576.
> --Bruce Stallsmith
> Huntsville, AL, US of A
> (p.s.: allotropic means physically separated
> populations, and syntopic means
> populations with an overlapping range...)
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