NANFA-- Collectin' today
R. W. Wolff (
Wed, 31 Oct 2001 22:05:17 -0600
I had to drive up to Marshfield to drop off a truck load of burnt out bulbs
for recycling. I thought why not on the way home stop at my rainbow darter
spot. So for a "lunch hour" I had some cold pop tarts and coffee for my
supper break and dipped in the creek. This is Puff Creek. Its a narrow rocky
creek about three to five foot wide on average and about six inches deep
most of its length. There are some much wider spots, but the deepest holes
are not much over three feet deep. I caught lots of rainbow darters, creek
chubs, stone rollers and common shiners. I also caught some pumpkinseeds,
green sunfish, northern red belly dace, blacksided darters, johnny darters,
fantail darters and rusty crawfish. It wasn't too bad considering that it
was pretty cold last week. It was nice today, mostly cloudy but in the low
60's. Nice time if it may be my last " warm weather" collecting of the
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