NANFA-- MoonPies
Tue, 1 Oct 2002 17:08:56 EDT

Moon Pies are cooked up right here in my home town. The Chattanooga Bakery is
now celebrating their 100 year anniversary baking these delicious "Original
Marshmellow Sandwiches". A contest is currently being held for devotees. Send
in a story of your favorite experience eating one and win a trip to
Chattanooga and all the local sites. Some NANFA member ought to come up with
a catfish baiting story or such! :)
The Original Moon Pie. "The Only One On The Planet!" accept no substitutes!

For those who dont know... a Moon Pie is a marshmellow layed cookie cake that
comes in 3 flavors... Vanilla, Chocolate or Banana. If your really hungry you
can get a "Double Decker" to go with your RC. Just recently they have come
out with a raspberry filled version... yum... that is extra fine and my
current favorite. I'm going to head over to the bakery tomorrow and pick up a
couple boxes for Louisana's Moon Pie Mama and Stott's Birmingham Fisherama.


The Chattanooga Bakery was kind enough to give NANFA 3 cases for our 1998
convention here in Chattanooga. I reckon that and BG's wife eating near a
basket full of them got this Moon Pie Mania going. They are pretty good. If
you visit it is my responsibility to treat you with one or 2.
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