Re: NANFA-- nightcrawlers: predators?

R. W. Wolff (
Wed, 2 Oct 2002 00:51:57 -0500

Technically its an offset eleven, but you are close enough and the judges
award you the points for the answer.

Seriously, I thought it might help start a thread on worms, since I believe
them to be the best food for fish and herps ( those that eat them anyways),
and the other uses that have already been mentioned. I dump all my scraps,
coffee filters , tea bags included, in my compost pile, and the worms and
other stuff turn it into what looks like sandy peat moss. I fixed some lawn
around the new addition to the pond with it, and without fertilizer the
grass has germinated in three days, and in two grown two inches tall.
Amazing stuff. Not to mention I don't break my back carrying the trash to
the road. Scraps are heavy, and can smell really bad.

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