Re: NANFA-- Pearl Fish Press calendars?

Sajjad Lateef (
Fri, 4 Oct 2002 06:58:11 -0700 (PDT)

--- wrote:
> In a message dated 10/3/02 2:10:30 PM, writes:
> << What happened to Pearl Fish Press run by one of NANFA's
> founders (whose name I can't recall now)?
> >>
> John Brill. His doesn't seem to be working.

I corresponded with John Brill. Apparently, he had some
difficulties with his ISP. Also, he is rather busy with his
other art projects, a book, etc. and is not able to continue
working on calendars.

That's a pity. Now, I'll have to order a Dilbert calendar
for my cube at work. But, everybody else has a Dilbert or
The Far Side calendar too. :-(



Sajjad Lateef
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