I really doubt it. Buckthorns don't have big nasty mouths that eat
from fish to your family dog, they'll never create a media stir. So people
will keep on landscaping with them, even tho *two* individual species are
on their way to completely wiping out the entire habitat for a *thousand and
some* other species, both flora and fauna.
As you must know by now my trust in the governments ability to decide what
should and should not be allowed is somewhat less than complete. The knee
jerk reaction to snakeheads is a prime example. Really when you get right
down to it humans are the most damaging introduced species on record, mostly
because we think we are smart enough to decide which species lives and which
ones die. A million years from now when the Meerkats are exploring their
planet maybe they'll wonder how all these unrelated animals were transported
across the globe. I wonder if they'll connect transplanted animals with the
fossils of all the big headed primates found all over the globe?
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