Re: NANFA-- JellyFish
Fri, 4 Oct 2002 18:50:48 EDT
jelly folk...
thinks for all the links on the freshwater jelly fish ranger bob, todd and
nick. really interesting research and knowledge. nice pics and even some
the information leaned toward the presense of fw jellies in relativily new
manmade lakes and ponds w/ the theory of birds transporting one of the 3
stages of jellyfish life. that certainly fits w/ the 3 sites ive seen them
at. looking at the map of the us and tn they are seen many, many places tho
eratically from year to year or never again. temp seems to be the trigger for
the medusa blooms.
keeping them or more correctly allowing them to develope thru ALL the stages
is pretty much out of the question in a home aquarium tho a quiet pond w/
minimal predators may work and has been acknowledged. i wanted to put a few
in the cement pond to observe more and they may have done ok at least for
their short life cycle in the medusa stage. maybe. i may take a drive to
lookout mountain for a look in the lake i first saw them in years ago. they
may could get established in the pond but lots of varibles are at issue.
moon asked where i saw the jellys... sanateelah lake near robbinsville nc.
this is a fairly high altitude manmade resevoir. a hike to the ancient dam is
very impressive, massive, aging concrete w/ moss runs and leaks. i feel very
confident in saying there were 10s of thousands. very enchanting and
dreamlike drifting in the warm water with them.
the few i brought home in a pop bottle did not survive the 2 days. i think
the sloshing during driving was detrimental also as was the tight confinment.
thanks guys for sharing info. :)
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