Re: NANFA-- cfi, sequatchie and chicken eggs

Bruce Stallsmith (
Mon, 21 Oct 2002 11:40:53 -0400

Yeah, we went to Tuscaloosa (Northport, actually) on bizness to schmooze the
regional arts scene. Ruth is on a painting and fiber arts bender right now
for a December show, so we were only visitors at Kentuck.

Also, I have pictures back from the Birmingham trip two weeks ago. No fish
shots (wrong lens...) but some good examples of kick-seining while wearing
an electroshocker starring Dave Neely(!). Also a good shot of the mushrooms
collected by Casper. I hope to get them to Steven E very soon so we can
finally post a web page report.

--Bruce Stallsmith
Huntsville, AL, US of A

>bruce... im glad you had a fun weekend too. did you return with anything or
>was tuskaloga a distribution of your wifes workwomanship? i cant remember
>what she makes? i took coby and cerulean up to sequatchie valley this
>to ketner's mill. it dams the sequatchie to grind corn, a relic structure
>the past. below the dam is an excellent run where i snorkled and saw a nice
>diversity last year including a baptism and a school of silversides which i

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