RE: NANFA-- "zebra minnows" and silversides

geoff kimber (
Wed, 20 Oct 1999 21:33:41 -0700

I still have all 14 brook silversides that I started with back in May, along
with 8 of the 12 red river pupfish that I brought home. The pupfish seem to
be starting to enter breeding cycle, which seems really odd to me as I
haven't changed the photoperiod at all since May.

I keep the fish in Tucson tap water, which is pretty hard (I forget how
hard, but can find out if anyone cares) and alkaline (pH ~8.4).

The only problem I have had with the silversides is their appetite. They
seem to be plankton feeders and like to eat a little all the time. Since I
have a day job, the fish are not a fat as they were when I caught them. I
plan to move them to another larger tank with some other midwestern minnows
and increase the feedings.

I have recently contacted the bait shop and he is willing to ship fish when
it cools off a bit. Up until this week, it has still been in the 90's here
in Tucson. I plan to contact him tomorrow and try to get him to send some
fish next week. The bait dealer told me he commonly had 'zebra minnows'
(fundulus zebrinus) and pupfish delivered along with various shiners that
the local fisherman call 'river minnows'.

So we'll see what happens. When I get the fish, I'll report how they
arrived and how much they cost.

Geoff Kimber
Tucson, Az

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