<< << I have some clams that have been with me for at least three years. They
reproduced. I keep them in a tank with no filter, that is important, clams
are filters. I mechanical filter will starve them. >>
That's pretty impressive; that they not only survived for as long as they
in an aquarium but also reproduced. Maybe it's just me but I've never really
read or heard about anyone really having success with these creatures, so
this seems extraordinary. I will definitely keep that tip about not using
the mechanical filter in mind for when I try to keep mussels again. >>
All true freshwater Unionid mussels have a very complex life history that
involves a period of time where larvae are parasitic on the gills, fins and
skin of (often very specific) fish. It would be truely amazing if any were
able to complete this in an aquarium. Some of the exotic (non-unionid) clams
and mussels don't have this complex reproductive stratigy. Even so, I would
expect aquarium reproduction to be almost unheard of. What kind are they?
J.R. <_at_}}}}}}}><
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