NANFA-- crayfish problem -need quick advice
Tue, 19 Sep 2000 15:17:17 EDT

One of the tanks I have set up at a public library is a crayfish tank. The
large crayfish (about 6" from tail to tip of claws) is very stiff and moving
very slowly. Initially, the librarians thought he was deceased. When they
moved him to a bucket, he started moving. I chose to return him to the tank.

Based on a what little I've read about crayfish, one this size is probably
about 5 years old. Older ones like this shed their "skin" only every couple
of years as opposed to two or three times a year for younger ones. He is
certainly the largest one I recall seeing in Indiana waters.

My main question is this condition typical for a crayfish getting ready to
shed? Or is it likely it is another ailment? What is typical behavior
before they shed

Food is dried dog food and frozen peas. I suspect the librarians are

If he ends up dying, what are ways to preserve the specimen?

Chuck Church
Indianapolis, Indiana USA

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