Hey you live at Carolina Beach? We were in school at UNCW and later worked
Lake Waccamaw as a part of a research project with the fish there. Cool
place! I really miss the coast. Last time I was there it looked like they've
pretty well screwed up the rock formation at Ft. Fisher. That also stinks!
It's pretty much the only natural shoreline rock formation south of New
I live in Wilmington, just a few minutes from Carolina Beach. You're right
they have completely screwed up the only natural rock formation on the East
coast south of New England. I used to beach comb, fish and snorkel those
rocks every summer but now I can't even get within rifle shot of them and the
sea wall they put up has caused so much erosion the rocks are buried pretty
much. But damn me if I want to drive my jeep on the beach. They always blame
the little guy because it's easy, that's why laws against aquarium keeping
are so easy to pass, we have little or no influence in high places.
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