<< NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!!!! Here we go with another eco-extremist
YOU WANT TO COMMENT ON. I am NOT saying it's in a better shape...on the
contrary...I'm saying people look at it now and think "it's nice and
clear, what's wrong with it?" Where if they saw it in it's true form they
would think it was dirty and polluted. I was just trying to let everyone
know that "clear" does NOT necessarily mean "clean and pure" and vice
versa...Geeeesh! >>
Email being the imperfect format for communication that it is; a lot of times
the meaning, tone or intent of an email posting is lost or misinterpreted.
That is why your message was probably misinterpreted. I don't think that
Chris was trying to mock your message; I think that he merely misunderstood
the point that you were making due to this communication format, and thought
you were for every human alteration to natural bodies of water, including the
severely nagatively-impacting alterations.
I don't think anyone on this list, no matter how liberal, could be properly
described as "eco-extremist". I don't think we have any card-carrying members
of PETA (an organization which I don't like; I think PETA are idiots) or the
like on this list. Sure, people on the list may gripe about about the severe
negative impacts of humans to ecosystems (especially corporate-related ones),
about people's indifference and apathy to these types of situations, and
think that some drastic steps should be taken to save endangered species,but
that's because the situation with native fishes has deteriorated so much.
There are so many endangered and threatened species, degraded habitats, and
people who are against the very idea of protecting either the fishes or their
habitat. I don't think anyone on this list is for banning fishing, outlawing
SUV's, the destruction of humans or relegation of them to caveman technology,
or against corporations per se; they are against the unchecked excesses of
corporations that are allowed to pollute the environment,people like Rep.
Johnny Ford who hate Alabama sturgeons, introduction of non-native
sport-fishes, unchecked population growth of humans, or technologies which
are created without trying to make them less polluting of the environment.
/"Unless stated otherwise, comments made on this list do not necessarily
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