Re: NANFA-- Probability of Dead Stuff

R. W. Wolff (
Fri, 8 Sep 2000 16:01:01 -0700

I think you made some of my points in a better way than I was, first hand
experience.Like you said, your not destroying crucial areas ( the turtle
nests) but still enjoying the beach area. If we could all just give alittle
to get alittle, this would be so much easier. for instance, if I was ( If,
I am not) offended by moons tire tracks, but he didnt rip up my beloved
dunes, maybe I should just be glad to share this area with him, so when I
wanted to say... stop any tracking of the dunes by tires, he might join me
in saying, thats fine, as long as I can pull up onto the flat areas and hike
the dunes? I hope that came out right. I have a similar thing where I am.
Four wheelers ( I do like these) skim in and out of the water around my
favorite pond. They do not however run over all the baby trees that are
serving as a greater soil erosion stopper than the little the 4 wheeleres
mix around along the shore. Had I went ballistic about it, several small
killifish and sunfish would not have had sanctuary from predators. The
water levels have risen quickly over the summer this year, leaving the weed
growth in 3 foot of water, and all nursery areas devoid of cover. The fry
and juvenile fish moved into these shallow ruts the four wheelers made and
are in great numbers now. 10 years ago this did not happen, and with the
over introduction of pike to this pond at the same time, the other fish
species nearly disappeared.

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