Re: NANFA-- swimming in troubled waters
Mon, 18 Sep 2000 22:15:55 EDT

In a message dated 9/16/00 12:07:16 PM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

<< Maybe sometimes in the future NANFA members in southern region mount an
"expedition" to somewhere in north Mexico not too far from south Texas and
south Texas area? >>

That's a cool idea, Tony; I for one would like to see that happen. A
collecting trip in central Mexico would be interesting to read about as well,
with all of the different goodeid species they have as well as some of the
unusual-looking families of fishes that don't have any freshwater
representatives in the U.S.Or at least some info on some of the weird species
which I know nothing about, such as Typhliana pearsi (Dama Blanca
Ciega),rivuline killifishes and cichlids and characins of the two regions,
and fishes of the Cuatro Cienegas area.

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