Re: NANFA-- various topics (long)

Tony (
Sun, 10 Sep 2000 01:46:52 +0700

Thank you very much. More annoying[?] question:-)

Dave Neely wrote:

> Tony,
> >1] Are these chrosomus that were the actors and actresses in the video
> > >fired up and spawned after being kept for a long time or are they [the
> > >spawners] collected in late winter/spring that were ripened already?
> > >Compared to ones in natural habitat are they as brilliant?
> I (and a couple of labmates) have kept chrosomus in a community tank- the
> primary males get insanely pink/fuschia in late spring afternoons, almost
> seem to glow. Easily as bright as in-stream peak color, and much brighter
> than the normal nuptial coloration. So far, all eggs have been consumed by
> other fishes in the tanks- I don't have much interest in breeding them.
> >Has anyone here kept and bred redlip, greenhead, and races
> >of yellowfin shiners? Do they fire up like in the wild?
> Kept (except for chiliticus), spawned in captivity, and yes, were as bright
> as in wild.

So they can fire up and spawn without other minnow's nest [stoneroller, chubs,
etc.]? Hmm... Anything you think trigger their spawning? Just being kept well
and healty, temperature, light, etc? Also, in the book Freshwater fishes of
Virginia it is written that saffron shiner spawned in water of 16.1 - 30 "C. Is
this really true? Isn;t it that saffron live in blue ridge which streams are
supposed to be pretty cold most of the year?

> >3] Anyone here kept and/or bred arrow darter and tangerine darter? Are
> > >they all protected in every states [and cannot be kept?]?
> Percina aurantiaca is SC in Tennessee, not protected in North Carolina.
> Populations in much of Little TN river dr./Hiwassee are robust. They do very
> well in aquaria, especially if obtained when small.

I remembered watching a young Tangerine in Casper's tank last year. While rainbow
darter in more free-space tank breathed heavily, the tangerine in the other fish
[minnows] - filled tank breathed normally and competed well. Maybe they do better
than other darters at warmer temperature? Since I had seen a full color monster
in Tennessee Aquarium darter tank I knew they can color up fine in cold tank but
what about in warmer tank?

> The Kentucky R. arrow darter (spilotum) is in dire straits due to habitat
> degradation (ie. coal mining, bad forestry practices, etc). I'm not sure if
> it has any protected status in KY, but it certainly deserves it. Some
> Cumberland drainage populations (real sagitta) are more robust- although I'm
> fairly sure that it is listed in Tennessee.

So not all KY arrow spilotum? Which area in KY that real sagitta live in? I
think arrow are listed either as special concern or something like potential or
proposed for threatened [something like that] in TN. What is special concern/
proposed status regarding to collecting and keeping? Are these status simply mean
the fish with such status cannot be collected anyway?


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