Re: NANFA-- in Alabama

Bob Bock (
Mon, 3 Sep 2001 12:50:16 -0400

Hello, Fully. What kind of species do you have near you? Also, a friend
said you have a web site. Would you care to pass the url on to us?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Fully Prepared" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, September 02, 2001 10:34 PM
Subject: NANFA-- in Alabama

> Hello Casper Cox. You asked where I am. I am in Mobile
> County Alabama. I have not heard of anyone looking for
> fish near me; not even Dr. Rice. You are in Tennesee?
> That is far from here. Maybe we can meet.
> Boo Radley, Saraland, Alabama
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