NANFA-- Re: nanfa V1 #1068

Arlus Farnsworth (
Mon, 10 Sep 2001 12:41:53 -0700

Yeah, a local water quality board could not understand high nitrate
levels in the reservoir and eventually fenced off the tributaries from
cattle. The entire bank needs protection from erosion in this way.

On a recent trip to Missouri, I spent two days snorkeling. One day was
spent in the Cuivere River in Lincoln County Missouri. I saw some
fish (fundulus, darters, minnows, bass species, green sunfish....) and
out of the 117 degree heat. I had to leave the river when cows on the
neighboring property came down into the river to escape the heat as
well. I
suddenly realized that I was not alone when an incredible cloud of
came drifting down from upstream. This river had a cobble substrate of
fossil bearing rocks.

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